This is a list of resources for people interested in learning more about medications for addiction treatment for themselves or for their friends, family, or other community members.

Resources in English

Handout: Starting Low Dose Buprenorphine After Weeks Off Opioids [download]
What is buprenorphine-naloxone (Suboxone) and what does it do? • It is a safe medicine for opioid withdrawal, (a.k.a. “dope ... read more
Handout: Starting Buprenorphine [download]
You should receive a supply of 28 tablets or films. Begin taking them once you are feeling seriously dopesick / in opioid ... read more
Buprenorphine FAQs for patients and families [download]
Buprenorphine (Suboxone) will compete with the drug and will make your withdrawal symptoms worse, which is called "precipitated ... read more
The facts about Buprenorphine for Treatment of Opioid Addiction [download]
Buprenorphine is one type of medication used for treatment of opioid addiction. Perhaps your doctor or substance ... read more

Recursos en Espanol

Tomando pastillas de naltrexone [download]
Infórmele al personal si tiene historia de problemas del hígado como cirrosis, hinchazón del abdomen, coloración amarillenta ... read more
Handout: Comenzando con Buprenorfina [download]
Usted recibirá un suministro de 28 tabletas o láminas para colocar debajo de la lengua. Empiece a tomarlas una vez que se ... read more
BUP FAQs para pacientes y familias SPANISH [download]
Buprenorfina (Suboxone) va a competir con la droga y hará que empeoren los síntomas que causa la retracción, se conoce como ... read more
Información sobre la Buprenorfina
Usted recibirá un suministro de 28 tabletas o láminas para colocar debajo de la lengua. Empiece a tomarlas una vez que se ... read more

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